HPOZ Board
South Carthay was the second HPOZ in Los Angeles. South Carthay property owners who are interested in making home modifications need to consult the City’s HPOZ information page. The City’s South Carthay HPOZ page has a link to our Preservation Plan which spells out the guidelines for projects in our neighborhood. HPOZ does not regulate interior renovations or remodeling as long as these changes have no impact on the exterior appearance of your property (i.e., altering window openings or door placement). Also, many property owners are not aware that – HPOZ or no HPOZ – city ordinances already regulate fence heights, what percentage of your front yard may be paved, what kind of trees can be planted in your parkway, and many other aspects of your property. The city also requires permits for routine work that some property owners consider DIY projects (installing new hot water heaters, replacing plumbing fixtures, window, and door change outs, etc.). Unpermitted work can negatively impact your property value, compromise your insurance coverage, and cost you additional expenses to remedy. So, when it doubt, whether it be city building permits or HPOZ guidelines: check first. For any questions or to schedule a review of a proposed project, please contact Jonathan Kaplan of the Department of City Planning’s Office of Historic Resources, at (213) 847-3668, or jonathan.kaplan@lacity.org, and fill out the HPOZ Initial Screening Checklist.

